Now that you understand why it's important to differentiate your agency - and how to find differentiators based on what your potential clients want - how can you focus on giving you a unique product? When our clients set out to find a marketing agency, they typically want to address a major pain point that will vary based on the needs of our potential clients.
You 'll find the biggest differentiator between your prospects' biggest needs and your agency's best service . You want to provide a service industry mailing list your agency does very well. You can eventually add complementary services and expand your catalog, but the more focused and narrow you are in answering questions during the sales process, the more confidence your prospects will have in you.
Once you've decided that you want to narrow your offerings and help your agency stand out, there are several places to help you focus on the unique service you offer. Here are a few avenues to explore: Narrow down the specific industries or verticals your agency serves . Analyze your current agency business books to see if there are specific types of businesses that you regularly serve, such as financial services or SaaS companies. Maybe you are a social media marketing agency.