We've discussed why your website is still important and what and how bad websites are keeping your conversion rates in the depths of Davy Jones' Locker. Okay, maybe not that low, but understanding website conversion is a vital component of success in today's digital marketing landscape. Once you're up to speed with the wonderful world of conversion and its bottom-line-boosting powers, you're ready for some action, which is exactly what our high-octane whitepaper delivers: actionable tips for improving your website's conversion rates!
Our 15 Ways to Improve Your Website's Conversion Rate whitepaper is laser-focused on helping you boost the number of your website visitors who are becoming your customers. Many businesses become fixated on increasing traffic to their website, but very often, this will yield less significant results than an improved conversion rate. If you aren't happy with how many sales you're generating from your website, investing a bunch of money to generate more traffic isn't going to solve your conversion problem!
Consider the conversion rate improvement in the example below. You can see that in both cases, the website receives 12,000 visitors over the test sample. In the first scenario, the conversion rate is 1% and that leads to 120 customers or 'sales'. In the second example, the conversion rate increases by just 2% - a very attainable goal given the low initial rate - but the number of sales jumps to 360! The overall impact of this kind of conversion rate improvement ultimately Photo Editing Services depends on the lifetime value of a business's average customer, but it could potentially equate to a huge increase in profits
Now that you're hooked on conversion, get access to the complete whitepaper right now! You'll get an introduction to the full context and importance of website conversion as well as 15 things you can immediately implement to start increasing the number of your visitors that become your new customers! If you need some further convincing, here's a teaser of what you can expect to learn from the 15 Ways to Improve Your Website's Conversion Rate whitepaper:
What's Inside
Tips for Building or Re-Building a Website: hopefully, you've got a website. If, for-reasons-that-must-not-be-named, you're still operating without a website, our tips are a great place to start. Whether you're building or re-building (sometimes we all need a do-over), these sections of our whitepaper are intended to help you design and develop a website the right way. If you follow our guidelines, you'll end up with a fully optimized website that will be easy to maintain for years to come. More importantly, it'll put you on the right track to a great conversion rate.
Tips for Improving Your Conversion Rate: if you fall into this category, the good news is that you probably like the look and feel of your website. If it's a good representation of your brand, there's no need to start over. Our tips for improving the conversion rate of your existing website are perfect for businesses that are just looking to tweak and revamp their existing property to harness the immense power of conversion.